Hari Rabu dan Kamis, 11 dan 12 Desember 2019, Aribowo Sasmito (Co-Founder dan Ketua Komite Pemeriksa Fakta MAFINDO) turut berpartisipasi di acara World Chinese Economic Forum (WCEF) 2019.
Berbagi panggung dengan Kamarul Bahrin Haron (Editor in Chief Astro AWANI Malaysia), Surasak Glahan (Deputy Op-ed Editor Bangkok Post Thailand), dimoderatori oleh Fazil Irwan Som (Executive Director International Strategy Institute) di sesi “Future of Media in a Digital World”, para pembicara mendiskusikan mengenai kondisi saat ini dan tantangan media ke depan, termasuk tantangan-tantangan dalam menghadapi disinformasi atau hoaks.
Diselenggarakan oleh The China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), Forum Ekonomi Cina Sedunia ke-11 adalah acara tahunan selama 2 hari yang dihadiri oleh 1.000 delegasi yang terdiri dari para pemimpin pemerintahan, pemimpin industri, wirausahawan yang sudah mapan dan sedang berkembang, para pemimpin futuris dan pembuat perubahan muda, untuk membahas masa depan dunia kita dengan penatagunaan global Tiongkok.
Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada International Strategy Institute selaku pihak pengundang, semoga dengan kolaborasi ini dapat semakin mempererat kerjasama antar negara, khususnya dalam hal penanganan disinformasi.
[EVENT] MAFINDO’s Participation in WCEF 2019
On Tuesday and Wednesday, December 11th and 12th 2019, Aribowo Sasmito (Co-Founder and Head of Fact Checker Committee of MAFINDO) participating in the World Chinese Economic Forum (WCEF) 2019 event.
Sharing the stage with Kamarul Bahrin Haron (Editor in Chief Astro AWANI Malaysia), Surasak Glahan (Deputy Op-ed Editor Bangkok Post Thailand), moderated by Fazil Irwan Som (Executive Director International Strategy Institute) in the “Future of Media in a Digital World” session, the speakers discussed the media’s current condition and the challenges in the future, including challenges on handling disinformation or hoaxes.
Organized by The China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), The 11th World Chinese Economic Forum is an annual 2-day event bringing together an expected 1000 delegates consisting of government leaders, captains of industry, established and budding entrepreneurs, futurist leaders and young change-makers, towards discussing the future of our world with China’s global stewardship.
Thank you to International Strategy Institute for inviting us, hopefully this collaboration will tighten our cooperation between countries, especially on disinformation handling.

More pictures @ http://bit.ly/2YTkf6C

View the presentation @ http://bit.ly/2XLnb4G